
I'm an Industrial Design Engineer (MSc degree @ Delft University of Technology) from the Netherlands. 


The first years of my career I developed respiratory care products at a manufacturer of medical devices. The following years I mainly lived in Portugal and Spain, while working as a web editor and writer. This telework concept allowed me to travel in the meantime, so I could explore Southeast Asia, Latin America and East Africa.


In Uganda I got to know the Dutch aid organisation SYPO, that just rolled out a microfinance program, with impressive results. Three years later I came back to live there and manage Counterpart Travels, a knowledge exchange project, connecting Northern students and professionals to their Ugandan 'counterparts'. So I got involved in various development and product design issues.


After Uganda I started a workshop to make 'upcycled' furniture, using basicly scrap and second hand stuff, and experimented with bamboo as a durable construction material.


My ambition

To work on promising social business and/or (product) development projects* , preferably for and in close cooperation with target groups in the developing world. I am interested to join either as freelancer or under employment.


For an impression of what I mean, see the 'tag cloud' on my homepage and the examples under 'portfolio'.